SAC Wrap-up Questions

1.What is your name?  
My Name is Gordon Wong.
2.  What was the hardest challenge or hardest part of the challenge for you and why?
The hardest part of the challenge was time management. I felt there was really no time to waste. If I was cowriting and no ideas were working, we had to step away and move on. During the first and second weeks I took more co-writes than I could handle. I was really stressed over that.
3.  What did you enjoy most about participating in this experience?
I enjoyed teaming up with other songwriters and listening to the end result. It was so satisfying. After each challenge I would keep listening to the songs we wrote. I was really proud of the collabos.
4.  What is something significant that you learned from taking on this challenge? (It can be about yourself or about the challenge)
I learned to make the best of each person’s skills. If someone was a really good guitar player I would use their playing on the track. If the person had good vocals, I would leave more space for the vocals to shine through.
5.  Would you do this type of challenge again?  Why or why not?
I would definitely do it again. It was a lot of work but It is one of those experiences that really helped me grow as a songwriter and as a person. I loved how we got to experience a different segment of the music industry. It really opened my eyes and opened new avenues for my song writing.
Week 1 pitch for Matt Dusk

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